Hours: 9:00a — 6:00p CST

HEAR In Dallas

We specialize in advanced hearing technologies including hearing aids, cochlear implants and auditory brainstem implants. Our therapists teach children and adults with auditory disorders to listen and talk. Our goal is for them to communicate independently within the hearing-speaking mainstream for socialization, education, employment and life!

Dallas Hearing Foundation

The Dallas Hearing Foundation (DHF) is a non-profit foundation exclusively dedicated to giving the gifts of  hearing and speech to children and adults with hearing loss. The foundation’s mission is to provide medical and surgical treatment, hearing technologies, speech and hearing rehabilitation, and educational support to those who are in financial need. Today’s revolutionary technologies, […]

Dallas Hearing Foundation

Mia’s cochlear implant progress

Now three-year-old Mia has been hearing for one year with her cochlear implant. She is alive with sound and is beginning to talk. She hears her mother call her name and babbles all day long. Mia’s vocabulary consists of over a dozen words and she picks up the phone when she hears it ring and […]

Mia’s cochlear implant progress

Silas, at age 2, listening with his cochlear implants.

Silas, at age 2, listening with his cochlear implants as his brothers tossed rocks into a lake. Now 4 1/2, he talks all day long with his family, teachers and classmates. From Julie and Josh Roraback: Our third son Silas was diagnosed with a profound hearing loss at 6 months of age. We began seeing […]

Silas, at age 2, listening with his cochlear implants.